PS 552.246

task7-learning theories in VR learning contexts

Written assignment at least one page, no more than two pages

(fontsize: 12 pt, linespacing: 1.5)

Read the chapter 1 ‘Methoden des Fremdsprachenuntereichts in lerntheoretischer Perspektive -Überblick’ from Jörg Roche’s (2005) book Fremdsprachenerwerb – Fremdsprachendidaktik, attached to my email

Roche, Jörg. (2005). Fremdsprachenerwerb – Fremdsprachendidaktik. Tübingen: Narr, pp. 1 -12.

Address the following points in your written assignment:

-Summarize the key issues of the introduced approaches
-Discuss how these learning theories apply to your project proposal (to be able to this you would also need to develop ideas concerning how to test the learning outcomes)

Submit you assignment via mail or via the comment section before 14th of May

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